St. Botolph’s CE Academy

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St. Botolph’s CE Academy

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Remote Learning


Remote Learning

 ‘Remote education’ is used to describe situations where pupils are being taught remotely in their own homes rather than at school in a classroom.

There is a need for remote learning when a pupil is isolating at home but who is not ill.

Live classrooms enable important interaction between teachers and pupils through, for example, questioning and stimulating and reflective discussion. These complex teaching skills in the classroom are not always easy to recreate in a remote environment, but where remote education recreates at least some aspects of this interactivity and intentional dialogue, teaching is likely to be more effective, support pupil motivation and lead to better progress.

At St. Botolph’s we believe that all children, whether learning in school or at home, should be given the opportunity to access the same high-quality provision.



How will it work at St. Botolph’s

Following discussions in school, we have decided that we will be putting the following provision in place:

In KS1 and KS2, classrooms will have an additional laptop set up so that children can log in from home and access the live teaching of their streamed class teacher. This will be for the morning session of English and Maths. This will mean they will be able to access the same provision as the children who are in school. 

They will need to log into the following Zoom codes and use the passwords given to gain entry. The microphone will be active during the whole class sessions but will then be muted during independent work sessions.

Any additional resources that are needed will be posted on Class Dojo to be accessed at home including links for the afternoon subjects. These will either consist of pre-recorded videos, learning links to Oak Academy or tasks that can be completed independently. Each phase (KS1, LKS2 and UKS2) will direct the learning for the afternoon.

In EYFS, as formal whole class teaching doesn’t take place, videos to support learning and activities for parents to complete with their child will be uploaded onto Tapestry.

Dojo - Please ensure that you have downloaded Class Dojo and that you have access to your child’s class page and the school story. If you have a problem with this, please contact school and we will support you.

Tapestry – If you are having trouble accessing Tapestry, please contact someone from the EYFS.

Support with ICT

If a child has very limited access to a device at home, we do have some laptops in school that can be loaned out on a short-term basis. A loan form will need to be signed and the laptop will need to be collected and dropped off on the required dates.

Remote Learning Policy - Click here