Pupil Premium
At St Botolph’s CE Academy we set high expectations for all pupils in our school and believe that, with high quality first teaching, early intervention and targeted small group support every child can fulfil their individual academic, social and emotional potential.
Our Pupil Premium funding is allocated effectively each year to have the necessary impact across school to support pupils to achieve at least the same academic outcomes as non- disadvantaged pupils with similar starting points. Our strategy supports these aims by ensuring pupils receive high-quality teaching across all subjects, but with a specific focus on reading, writing, maths and phonics.
For 2023-2024 , we have received £125,235 (which includes £11,745 recovery premium funding) and we plan to spend the funds in the following ways:
- To narrow the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils in reading (accelerated reader programme and Read Write Inc )
- To improve attainment in reading for all pupils , including disadvantaged by the end of KS1 and KS2 (school led targeted tutoring)
- To improve early language acquisition and increase % of pupils in EYFS achieving expected outcomes. (Speech and language therapist for EYFS)
- To sustain and enhance support and development of SEMH of all pupils, including disadvantaged pupils in order that they achieve to their full potential and overcome personal barriers to effective learning(learning mentor support)
- To improve the attendance for pupils whose attendance falls below that of expected national levels, including persistent absences.
- To improve attainment in maths, for all pupils, including disadvantaged pupils by the end of KS1 and KS2, including Y4 MTC (school led tutoring)
Pupil Premium Spending Plans
The Impact Of Pupil Premium Funding / Pupil Premium Evaluation