The St Botolphs Way
The St Botolph’s way teaches our pupils about our behaviour and expectations throughout school .
The 4 main parts include :
- Fantastic walking
- Fantastic listening
- Fantastic manners
- Fantastic presentation
This curriculum is taught explicitly during the first week in Autumn term alongside the traditional National Curriculum
subjects. Children should learn the content of the curriculum so that they can recall the information and act upon it. At the
start of each term, the ‘St Botolph’s Way” curriculum is revisited with pupils and will continue to be reinforced throughout
the year. As with other curriculum content, this is taught using explicit teaching based on the ten ‘Principles of
Instruction’ set out by Barak Rosenshine including regular quizzing to check and strengthen retention. Teachers will also
demonstrate these behaviours and ensure pupils have many opportunities to practise these (particularly in the first few
days of term). For example, a lining up order should be taught in the classroom but will be reinforced in different
locations and times throughout the school day e.g. at lunchtime. It is expected that all pupils will know this content.
1. Identify the routines you want to see
2. Communicate in detail your expectations
3. Practise the routines until everyone can do them
4. Reinforce, maintain and patrol the routines constantly
All school staff know the details of this curriculum, and teach it explicitly to children and continuously to
maintain the high standards we set. By doing so we support each other to create a culture where pupils feel safe and are
able to learn in an optimised environment and where teachers are free to teach unimpeded.