St. Botolph’s CE Academy

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Primrose Vale, Knottingley, West Yorkshire, WF11 9BT

01977 677494

St. Botolph’s CE Academy

Find your Fantastic!

  1. Parents Zone
  2. Pupil Support

Pupil Support

This page is all for you.  You will find different websites, information and help for all sorts of subjects.  If you can't find the help you need here, please come and speak to someone in school.


 Postvention Poster A4.pdfDownload
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Water Safety

Please be safe this summer

Click on the link below for the WFican website, which supports young people and their emotional wellbeing.

Another website that is helpful for young people's mental health is young minds:


Sometimes, we make the wrong choices and inappropriate pictures are posted on websites/media that we may want taken down.  Click the link below to report any inappropriate pictures that have been posted about you 

Other Support

If you have any questions, you can phone ChildLine.  There are no questions too big or too small.

There are lots of information on the NSPCC website if you are worried about online safety, abuse and your own safety.