St. Botolph’s CE Academy

  1. News
  2. Hello Yellow Day

Hello Yellow Day

7 October 2021 (by Emma Fisher (Emma))

Reminder - tomorrow is Hello Yellow Day.

We are taking part in #HelloYellow on World Mental Health day, Friday 8th October to show young people they are not alone with their mental health. Throughout the day we will be raising awareness in school about how to look after your mental health and share the message that if you are struggling it is ok and safe to talk to someone you know.

We are going to raise awareness by wearing a piece of yellow clothing along with our school uniform. This could be a yellow top or socks for example or even a yellow cap or headband. If you wish, your child also may bring in a small donation of 50p which we will send to the Young Minds charity that support young people’s mental health.

Thank you for your continued support.

Primrose Vale, Knottingley, West Yorkshire, WF11 9BT

01977 677494