St. Botolph’s CE Academy

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St. Botolph’s CE Academy

In God’s hands, we love, learn and grow

    1. News
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    3. Update


    17 April 2020 (by Amanda Howarth (Amanda))

    home learning

    Home Learning
    Following a further 3 week lock down from the government, the teaching staff at school have provided some more work for home learning for each year group which can be found on the home learning link on our academy website.
    Nursery and Reception children are being sent work via Tapestry and this will continue.
    KS1 (Gorillas, giraffes and Turtles) have a daily Maths and English task for each year group.  They also have some topic linked tasks that they can complete.
    LKS2 (Bears, Penguins and Zebras) have a Maths and English revision learning booklet to complete.
    UKS2 (Golden Eagles, Wolves and Hippos) are to access their key stage newsletter.  On the newsletter are weblinks with activities to a range of subjects.  This work should last the children quite a few weeks.  They also have access to email their teachers via Teams for any help.
    If parents/carers have any questions please do email or message via the Facebook page.  
    On another note we have been given the number for Kellingley Club which now has a food bank that families in need can go to.  The number to ring is 03458506507.  You phone through to Wakefield council and then press the option for the Food community hub.
    We hope you are all keeping safe and well.
    Thank you for your support.