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St. Botolph’s CE Academy

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    1. News
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    3. Accelerated Reader Update

    Accelerated Reader Update

    13 April 2020 (by Emma Fisher (Emma))

    Dear Parents/Carers

    During this time, I am very conscious that some children may not be reading as much as they would be if we were in school. I am wanting to make sure that the children are reading as much as possible and one of the things in school that ensured children were excited about reading, was taking quizzes on Accelerated Reader. Therefore, I have managed to get home access to our Accelerated Reader programme which means that your child/ren can complete quizzes on any books that they have read. I will then be able to monitor who is reading, taking quizzes and the competition for the most read words can still continue. Please note that the home access will not be available at weekends.

    Follow this link

    and then the children will need to sign in using their user name and password that they usually log onto at school.
    There are over 30,000 titles that have Accelerated Reader quizzes and you can find out whether books you have at home are on AR by looking on

    Your child can read any of the books they have at home and complete a quiz; they can even take a quiz if you have read the book to them. Children can also take vocabulary quizzes on books they have already taken comprehension quizzes on. There will be more books on here than you realise so get searching and take a look.

    I understand that some of you may not have access to lots of different books at home and so I have researched and found some different sites that give you free online access to e-books. You do have to create an account so you will need an email address but they are free.

    These sites are the ones I would recommend:

    Both of these have lots of free e-books that are also on Accelerated Reader.
    If you did want to pay for books, Amazon online have 100 free children’s books but then it also has lots of books for as little as 99p.

    A lot of celebrities are also reading Children's story books on Instagram and Twitter which are being posted daily. #SAVEWITHSTORIES

    If you have any questions or problems getting onto the site, please message the Facebook page or email and your query will be directed to me.

    Thank you and happy reading
    Mrs Fisher.x