St. Botolph’s CE Academy

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Primrose Vale, Knottingley, West Yorkshire, WF11 9BT

01977 677494

St. Botolph’s CE Academy

In God’s hands, we love, learn and grow

    1. News
    2. Latest News
    3. Update


    2 April 2020 (by Amanda Howarth (Amanda))

    Update from Mrs Adams

    Dear parents and guardians,
    I hope you are all managing to stay safe and well. The academy continues to follow government guidelines and remains open only for critical workers. If there is any way you can keep your children at home, then that is the safest place to be. We do have yet another member of staff displaying symptoms of corona virus and they are now isolating at home. With regards to the Easter holiday next week, we will remain open for those critical workers who have brought in appropriate evidence of theirs and their spouse/ partner roles. We will not be operating any lunches during the Easter holiday, so any children attending school will need to bring a packed lunch. As from Monday 15th April the voucher scheme will be launching and there will be no deliveries or collections of sandwiches. I hope you are enjoying the staff videos and I will be posting a worship next week!
    Take care everyone
    Best Wishes
    Mrs Adams