St. Botolph’s CE Academy

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  3. Year 5 and 6 Bubble closure

Year 5 and 6 Bubble closure

28 June 2021 (by Emma Fisher (Emma))

Thank you for your support in collecting your child from school today after the news of a second positive case. We have been in touch with Public Health England and have sent letters out via parent pay with more information. We would like to firmly assure you that all guidelines have been followed.
All year 5 and 6 children have been asked to isolate as we cannot guarantee that contact has not occurred with at least one of the positive cases.
We will be teaching the children via zoom and ask that all children log onto Mrs Fisher's zoom meeting tomorrow morning at 9.30am. We will then be able to speak to all children about what needs to take place and the organisation for the following days to ensure that no learning is lost.
Zoom log in: 869 253 2832
Password: MrsF
Thank you.

Primrose Vale, Knottingley, West Yorkshire, WF11 9BT

01977 677494