St. Botolph’s CE Academy

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Primrose Vale, Knottingley, West Yorkshire, WF11 9BT

01977 677494

St. Botolph’s CE Academy

In God’s hands, we love, learn and grow

    1. News
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    3. End of day

    End of day

    10 March 2021 (by Emma Fisher (Emma))

    Thank you to everyone who played their part for a much smoother end of day dismissal. 

    There was much less congestion on the UKS2 playground and the children were collected safely.

    The red and white barrier in the UKS2 playground is put out to enable a walkway. This is so you are able to exit through the gate without having to walk through the people waiting to collect children. Please can we ask you to not stand in this area and use this walkway to exit the playground if you are coming from KS1/Bungalow area.

    There are still a few parents/guardians that are trying to come in through the top gate. Please follow the one-way system and do not walk against the crowd to come and stand at the top gate to wave at your child. We have the one-way system for a reason and would appreciate it if you follow these rules.

    Thank you again for all your support.